Hic est discipulus ille for SSAATTBB a capella choir:
Duration: ca. 4:30
Premiere: 05.03.2011. 21st International Gaude Mater Festival; Polski Chór Kameralny, Jan Łukaszewski, conductor, Częstochowa, Poland.
Notable performances: 08.30.2011, at the 2011 Christopher Summer Music Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania by Jauna Muzika under Vaclovas Agustinas, conductor, 02.14. 2012 by Trinity College Choir of Cambridge under Stephen Layton, conductor. 02.14.2012, Polski Chór Kameralny in Jastrzębia Góra, Poland 07.04.2012, and in Gdańsk, Poland 08.15.2012.
Program Notes: Hic est discipulus ille (Latin for “This is that disciple”) was written as a sort of “fanfare” or introduction to my string of choral compositions inspired by the writings of the Apostle John (comprising some eight choral pieces composed between 2009 and 2011). The text is in Latin, taken from the original texts of the Mass of His December 27th feast day, and from the gospel reading that day.

Text painting can be heard in the mumbling of voices which represents the other disciples mumbling amongst themselves the rumor that John the Apostle “would not die”… and throughout the piece, the sonic tapestry shifts from solemn invocations to assured exclamations. Hic est discipulus ille was premiered by Polski Chór Kameralny, in Czestochowa, Poland, on May 3, 2011, and following performances include the Jauna Muzika choir in Vilnius, Lithuania (August 30, 2011) and Trinity College Choir of Cambridge, UK (spring 2012).
Listen to Hic Est Discipulus Ille (performed by Trinity College Choir and Stephen Layton) below:
Translation (from Missa “In Medio Ecclesiae” -Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist – December 27)
Collectio: In Your goodness, O Lord, shine upon Your Church, that, enlightened by the teachings of blessed John, Your Apostle and Evangelist, she may attain to everlasting gifts. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You…

Graduale: Alleluia, alleluia. This is that disciple who gives testimony of these things: and we know that his testimony is true. (John 21: 24) Alleluia.
Communio: This saying therefore went forth among the brethren, that that disciple would not die. And Jesus did not say he would not die. But: though I would have him remain until I come: you follow me…