I Baptize You for SSATB a capella:
Duration: ca. 5:00
Premiere: 05.11.2013, London Contemporary Church Festival, Christopher Bachelor, cond., London, UK
Program Notes: In I Baptize You, the sung text reflects baptism with water in the repeated Latin phrases chanted and cascading melodies that are an image of the water falling from John the Baptist’s hands over the baptized. Then once it is announced that the Lord will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire, the figures are more celebratory and ascending like flames of fire.
Listen to an excerpt of I Baptize You below:
Watch the US premiere of I Baptize You below:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_03npiOqZY&w=625&h=349]
Text (from Luke 3:16, Latin Vulgate and RSV translation):
I baptize you with water,
but He who is mightier than I
is coming…
He will baptize you
With the Holy Spirit
And with fire.
Ego quidem aqua baptizo vos,
venit autem fortior me;
Ipse vos baptizabit
in Spiritu Sancto et igni.